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MAPALAD invites you

And because they keep on coming, we continue our conversations how to better involve the street dwellers in their own development.

Children are happy at the center, therefore we seek for more activities for them (we welcome storytellers, visual artists, and child facilitators). Adults enjoy arts too, we welcome artists to help in. Who knows, these kids might grow desire in their hearts to seek for more formal training in school, to read more and create! And the adults might choose painting or visual arts over nurturing old habits that are not helping them. Their sense of focus is amazing, unbelievable, the kids wouldn’t stop coloring, and playing with us.

In their own words, “we’re happiest on Mondays”, because we come together, we share, and we are able to rest.

Won’t you want to join them too, and help us in journeying with them to build better lives? Please leave us a message here or call us at 7270324.



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→ Holy Spirit Social Center 48 Betty Go - Belmonte St.

Quezon City, Philippines

→ +63-2-7270324

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© 2018 by Holy Spirit Social Center Inc.

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